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Which Scentsy Lightbulb?

More and more of our Scentsy warmers are now using the heat from specific lightbulbs to warm your wax and fill your home with fragrant scent. From mini plug in warmers to full size premium warmers, you need to know which bulb you need when your bulb blows! Imagine not having your favourite Scentsy fragrance wafting through your home...because you forgot to buy any replacement bulbs! There are several ways that you can find out which kind of bulb you need to buy, whether from Scentsy or at your local electrical supplier,,,even the big Supermarkets like Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's now all stock loads of different lightbulbs ..and the good news is so long as its the right wattage , even using a non Scentsy lightbulb will not void your lifetime warranty on your warmer!

Diamond Weave Scentsy Warmer
Which Light Bulb do you need in your Scentsy Warmer?

So how do you find out which bulb you need? The easiest way is to ask your local Independent Scentsy Consultant. Not only will he/she be able to tell you exactly which replacement bulb you need but they will also be able to order one or more for you, so that you can get it delivered without paying for shipping! Alternatively you can check out this handy guide which outlines which warmers need which bulbs. Click the image to be taken to our shopping site.

Guide to which replacement Scentsy warmer lightbulb you need for your Scentsy Warmerr
Scentsy Warmer Light Bulb Guide from Aromaz

You can also check out which Scentsy bulb you need by looking on a product sheet...does your Scentsy Independent Consultant add these in with your orders? I do ...just find your warmer and the light bulb is added beside the name

Scentsy Product Shett from Aromaz
Scentsy Warmers which use Lightbulbs have the correct bulb listed here

Mini Plug in Warmers seem to blow frequently, either because wax gets spilled in them or people switch them off by switching them off from the socket..Dont do this! Switch them off using the small switch on the front of the base first. Switching off your Mini plug in warmer from the socket can create a power surge which will blow not only your bulb ...but also the base itself which will make it useless. If you are one of the many people this happens to ...don't bin it! You have a lifetime warranty even on your Scentsy Mini Plug in warmers so please contact the consultant who sold you it and get a replacement issued. TIP I advise my customers to buy replacement mini bulbs from Home Bargains...they cost 89p for a pack of 2 x 15w refrigerator bulbs These ones!

Alternative replacement Scentsy Lightbulbs
These work perfectly in your Scentsy Mini Plug In Warmer

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