Celebrate Ice Cream Day!
Slurping your favourite Ice Cream has always been a sign that it's Summer. We can all remember walking along the beach front with an Ice cream cone, dripping down your hand as you tried to lick up all that ice cold deliciousness before the sun melted it! Or being promised an ice cream after a torturous day of being dragged round the shops in the sweltering heat, getting your school uniform for going back to school...but only if you were good!
Of course back then we didn't have all the new fangled concoctions we have nowadays..it was just your basic ice cream, plain, chocolate, strawberry or if you were in a high class shop maybe Raspberry Ripple or Mint Chocolate Chip...or even Neapolitan!
if you were really good..or Mum had got a bargain then you even got sauce and sprinkles and maybe a Chocolate Flake !

The one that I remember the most though was Peach Melba! I had never ever seen such a luxurious mouth watering ice cream! We were on a family holiday to Blackpool and in the fanciest Ice Cream shop I had ever been in. The glass counter had a display of all the available Ice creams ... and when I saw peach Melba...I just had to have it!
And it was the most delicious Ice Cream I had ever had!
I loved the way all the different flavours exploded round your mouth at the same time...and it was so so creamy!

I never got that Ice Cream, until we went back to Blackpool again the following year...and I think that by that time I had harped on about it so much that the whole family had to have that particular Ice Cream! Peach Melba Ice Cream is a recipe I wanted to share with you....it is so easy to make and refreshing and creamy and just delicious on a hot Summer's Day... and I have been known to keep a tub in my freezer, so that even on the coldest winter's day i can sneak a mouthful and instantly relive my trips to Blackpool!

I do sometimes puree some fresh pineapple and add that to the mixture as well...i think it makes it even more fruity and refreshing, but that is optional.
Just as tasting Peach Melba Ice Cream can transport me back to my childhood and those lazy summer days so can this Scentsy Mix....I experimented with some waxes and created this amazing fragrance using just 2 waxes...Awakening and Berry Fairy tale
With peaches and raspberries and of course a touch of vanilla for the creaminess. this mix also pulls in my Pineapple and the resulting fragrance smells so like Peach Melba...you almost want to eat it! Its light, breezy fruity....and a bit decadent. Perfect for any time of the year, but I love it most during winter when its cold and bleak outside but in my living room cosied up on the couch with a good read, I can imagine being a kid and being back in Blackpool!
Whats your favourite memory from your childhood? I'd love to hear it...maybe I can create a mix so you can relive that memory?...You never know!